Things to see in Rome, Italy

Rome wasn’t built in a day :-

Italy’s capital Rome, is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city with full of architecture and culture on display in every corner. Ancient ruins such as the Forum and the Colosseum boast from 3,000 years of globally influential art evoke the power of the former Roman Empire.

  • Vatican City, headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, has
  • St. Peter’s Basilica and
  • the Vatican Museums, which house masterpieces such as
  • Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel frescoes.

The city has different atmosphere ranging from open-air markets to mouth watering street foods from various pizza to fresh pasta to succulent fried artichokes. What about having  a scoop of ice cream after spending  on shopping at the Campo de’Fiori or Via Veneto .

Feel the tranquility of  holy streamed Trevi Fountain and toss a coin into the  the holy stream of your wish to be fulfilled.Wonder what Romans would have lived with the Colosseum and the Pantheon 


Here are some of the things you must see/do in Rome
  • Colosseum

The iconic symbol of Rome,Italy Amphitheater was built using limestone and brick concrete and was used for gladiatorial battle and mock sea battles.It got destroyed by a major fire and only portions of these huge structure remains now.

The Colosseum was used to host gladiatorial shows as well as a variety of other events. The shows, called munera, were always given by private individuals rather than the state. They had a strong religious element but were also demonstrations of power and family prestige, and were immensely popular with the population.

Another popular type of show was the animal hunt, or venatio. This utilized a great variety of wild beasts, mainly imported from Africa and the Middle East, and included creatures such as rhinoceros, hippopotamuses, elephants, giraffes, aurochs, wisents, Barbary lions, panthers, leopards, bears, Caspian tigers, crocodiles and ostriches.

Battles and hunts were often staged amid elaborate sets with movable trees and buildings. Such events were occasionally on a huge scale; Trajan is said to have celebrated his victories in Dacia in 107 with contests involving 11,000 animals and 10,000 gladiators over the course of 123 days. During lunch intervals, executions ad bestias would be staged. Those condemned to death would be sent into the arena, naked and unarmed, to face the beasts of death which would literally tear them to pieces. Other performances would also take place by acrobats and magicians, typically during the intervals.

The Colosseum today is now a major tourist attraction in Rome with thousands of tourists each year entering to view the interior arena. There is now a museum dedicated to Eros located in the upper floor of the outer wall of the building. Part of the arena floor has been re-floored. Beneath the Colosseum, a network of subterranean passageways once used to transport wild animals and gladiators to the arena opened to the public in summer 2010.

This also has links to the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchlit “Way of the Cross” procession that starts in the area around the Colosseum.

Note :- This is truly worth to be the wonder of the world. If you are planning to go there expect  a huge line for the entry ticket. Usually you will find people asking if you want to join a group.Better to get into a group tour which has got fast and skip the line entry which should cost 30 € per person. The inside is worth the price you will pay.